Fi Smart Dog Collar

Fi Smart Dog Collar Buyer Guide

Fi Smart Dog Collar: An innovative Gift For Pet Lovers

Tracking the location and activities of your dog has become easier and more fun with the Fi Smart Dog Collar.

Fi Smart Dog Collar


The gadget offers users an amazing battery life to help you keep your pet where you want it to be.


  • The collar has a month long battery life.
  • It can detect many safe zones and owners.
  • The collar is designed to look beautiful.
  • Fi Smart Dog Collar is waterproof.


  • It works when you use it as a collar.
  • It needs a base station.

How Does Fi Smart Dog Collar Function?

Tracking the activities and where your dog is can be a daunting experience if the pet is a super-active one.  Often, it takes you some minutes to discover where your pet is around your home.

With the Fi Smart Dog Collar, you can locate your pet in seconds. The gadget makes use of a base station to create a safe zone and charging.

When your dog leaves your home, it sends an alert to you via the mobile device.  One of the best features of the collar is its battery life.

You don’t have to worry about charging it because it can stay for a month before you can charge it again.

The Pricing and Design

The Fi Smart Dog Collar is a waterproof (IP68) and solid tracker that is the size of your match box.  It has a housing of black plastic, brushed steel, and a light bar between its two areas.

Fi Smart Dog Collar

The weight of the collar is 1.3 ounces and it functions only with the Fi canvas collar.  The collar of the gadget size ranges from 13 inches(S) to 34.5 inches (XL).

It comes in bright yellow or gray color, though we expect to see more colors in the future.

The gadget box has a mini USB cable, a charger block, and a base station that is as small as the tracker and can be used as a charger.

Smartphones can work as a mini safe zone if you misplace its original base station.

The Features and Battery Life

The Fi Smart Dog Collar has an awesome battery life because it communicates with a wide-area LTE-M network and a low power ever few minutes.

For dogs that hardly leave their homes, the battery can last up to three months.

The Fi Smart Dog Collar App and Performance

The Fi Smart Dog Collar needs an iOS or Android for its setup and tracking.  It has no internet based interface so cannot work through desktop or laptop.

You set you the tracker when you create a profile for your dog on the app, and add the base station to a house wireless connectivity.

The next step is to set up your desired safe zone area around this base, and identify the size of the zone, to cover your property or home.

The gadget can use a phone’s Bluetooth connectivity as its safe zone. When your dog stays within the range of your Bluetooth, it is taken as safe.

Also, the safe zone is shown on your phone’s integrated Google Map in the Fi Smart Dog Collar app, depicted as a blue circle.

You can decrease or increase the pet’s safe area when you pinch-zoom in or out. The aim of the safe zone is for you to be notified through a text or push immediately the dog leaves it.

When your dog escapes the safe zone, the Fi Smart Dog Collar activates its Los Mode with a red button showing on the map.

Fi Smart Dog Collar

When this happens, you click on the map and the collar connects to the LTE-M tower to give you updates.

Fi Smart Dog Collar is an exceptional gadget that has “invite an owner” option for you to send invites to dog walkers, friends, or family.

What this does to the invitees is that they can make use of the app like you do for their pets without creating a separate profile.

You can have a relaxing mood with this tracker, knowing that your dog is under your nose. You know when it leaves its safe zone and when it’s at home. This allows you to monitor your dog.





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